Elevator Controller for more security at home or office buildings

With residential, commercial and office buildings growing taller day-by-day; Elevators have become the most basic and convenient way to travel and access the floors in such a multi-storey building. To keep these elevators active and perfectly running continuously all the time we need a very efficient Elevator Control System. An Elevator Controller is the system responsible for coordinating all aspects of elevator service such as travel speed, accelerating and decelerating, door opening speed and delay, leveling and hall lantern signals as well as securing the building by denying unauthorized access.
Why Elevator Controller?
The main aims of the Elevator Controller are: 
  • To bring the lift car to the correct floor.
  • To minimize travel time.
  • To maximize passenger comfort by providing a smooth ride.
  • To accelerate, decelerate and travel within safe speed limits.
  • Most importantly, to deny unauthorized access.
Except for the last among the above mentioned, all others are general and basic functions of an Elevator Controller. This special function is required in office buildings which observe large traffic. Apart from regular members of staff who are present on a daily basis, depending upon the nature of its business, an office is likely to receive visitors, temporary staff, field staff, etc. Although they are not there on a regular basis they can potentially blend in with office workers. It is important to keep track of who is in the office building and to ensure that unauthorized people are not able to gain access to valuables and sensitive information.
How does an Elevator Controller avoid Unauthorized Access?
An Elevator Control System can be integrate with other security systems like Boom barriers, Turnstiles, IP Cameras, Fingerprint and Card Readers, Alarms etc., which gives us a complete secured system. Consider a multi-floor office building including basement. In such a big building the Elevator Controlling Button Panel can be integrated with Fingerprint or Card reader so that the elevator operates only if an authorized Fingerprint or RFID is punched or flashed.
Maximum chances are that an intruder can try getting in from the basement. A boom barrier or a turnstile fitted with an alarm system can be set up just before the entry of the elevator. Even IP Cameras can be installed at the entry of the elevator in every floor. Special RFID/HID cards can be assigned only to those employees who have the authority to access a particular restricted floor (say R & D Department). Once the card is flashed before the reader the particular floor button becomes active and he/she can have access to that particular floor.
There are always chances of an unauthorized person getting hold of the RFID Card somehow from somewhere or maybe he/she can befriend an employee of the office and get him/her to punch in his/her finger over the reader. By doing this the intruder can access any floor in the office at ease. To avoid such a breach a turnstile can be installed in every floor at the exit of the elevator. As soon as the turnstile gets a mismatch of the number of cards flashed and number of individuals getting out of the elevator it can activate the alarms.

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